The Laundry Garden Year

Summer rain

Beautiful midsummer... when the warm air catches the scents of lavender and jasmine within the enclosed space of the walled garden.  It’s nice to see some of the roses mustering up a second flush,...
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The true peak for most gardens in the UK occurs this month, with the summer solstice on 20th June.  This marks the longest day, and a shift in season from...
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If I could describe this month in three words, they would be abundance, promise, and beauty.  Every day offers something new to see and admire in the garden. You can...
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Now we are officially into spring.. with longer brighter mornings.. and the gentle stirring of life in the warming ground. This is most definitely a month where you can blink,...
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Is it spring yet?

There’s always high hopes mixed with unpredictability during March.  All the promising signs of spring wherever we turn ... bright yellow daffodils, deep blues of the grape hyacinths, the ongoing...
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Leaping into February

I like to think of February as the month that leads us from winter into early spring.  With breathtaking sunrises followed by the lengthening days.. an absolute joy if you’re...
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A New Gardening Year

Now that the festive season has drawn to a close, my eagerness to be out in the garden is greater than ever!  With the  lengthening days and a brand New...
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Winter's Here

It’s the beginning of December, and the festive season is here.  If last year's weather is anything to go by, we could be set for some snow.  There are a...
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