Why do you garden? Let us know and win a pair of secateurs worth £80

Why do you garden?  Let us know and win a pair of secateurs worth £80

We’ve been asking gardeners this question for some time now.   The answers embody universal truths, as well as being as personal and individual as the gardeners themselves.  They make great reading.  So often you say, “Oh yes, that’s true for me too.”  Or, “I never thought about it like that."  Here are two of the many thoughts we've received so far:

I’ve always gardened because I’ve had to, since I had a garden, just to keep it looking tidy and nice.  And I like seeing the flowers growing.  I’ve never grown vegetables, just a bit of lettuce.  Norah

There is nothing quite like the smell of freshly cut grass, tomato vines and buddleia.  The best moments are when a plant or tree suddenly flourishes after two to 3 years of constant attention.  All of this gives me the greatest of pleasure.  Paul

We'd love to hear from you.  Tell us why you garden in just a few words and enter the draw to win a pair of Japanese secateurs worth £80.  Email us at info@genus.gs before 22 April 2019.  Winner announced in the May issue of the newsletter.

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