Sowing and mowing

More sowing and more mowing were on our list of jobs to get done this week. Cool mild weather has kept the grass growing and with one large orchard lawn and five other areas to be mown, it’s a job that has to be planned so that nothing else suffers or is forgotten.
Sowing in the greenhouse and vegetable garden continues. A dwarf runner bean ‘Jackpot’, Sweetcorn ‘Swift, Dwarf French bean ‘ Sprite’, Climbing bean ‘Lingua di Fuoco’ and magnificent squash ‘Marina di Chioggia’ were all sown in pots while outside a bed of peas was planted.
Back in the greenhouse we potted on the Mexican sunflower ‘Goldfinger, Cosmos ‘Cupcakes’ and the fiddly Dianthus ‘King of Blacks’ which we moved in little clumps. Gaura ‘Summer breeze’, Rudbeckia ‘Sahara’ and Rudbeckia ‘Prairie Sun’ are not enjoying the cooler nights and are still just a little bit small to be moving on at this stage.
Weeds are starting to grow at a pace and one job that must be tackled in the next few days will be the long shrub border on the northern boundary; we started weeding through this area several weeks ago but have been distracted by our seedlings. It’ll be the first job on our list tomorrow providing the strong winds and rain we’re having at the moment haven’t caused any damage to the plants, trees, or structures in the garden.