Party favourites

You may remember our disappointment a few weeks ago when we wrote of the sorry state of the garden at Genus HQ after the winds and rain had battered the summer out of it and brought out a decidedly autumnal version of what we’d grown accustomed to. We have to say that maybe we were jumping the gun somewhat.
Yesterday, after a busy morning of mowing, edging, and tending to the tomatoes, we spent the warm afternoon deadheading and cutting back in the borders. This attention appears to have worked wonders; it’s the usual late season stalwarts that are keeping the party going with dahlia, cosmos, and geranium still sending out new flowers on a daily basis. Even the miscanthus at the back of the border has a new vitality that lifts the whole area while helenium and rudbeckia too are still finding the energy to join in.
Somehow we think the barbecue and the recliners may just be staying out a little bit longer.