Bad hare day

We’ve been having suspicions for a few weeks. Bark stripped off a pair of Magnolia stellata, a ground cover rose relieved of all its buds, little scuffs dug out around the fruit trees, and finally a clear view of it walking past the garden gate as we drank tea in the kitchen; a brown hare was at large and was using our garden as a restaurant! Despite rabbit fencing and stone walls nothing seems to stop a determined hare.
We determined to make things a little harder for this wonderful but unwelcome creature and decided to try and keep the main driveway gate closed and old fruit cage netting over the rose and any other plants that were being targeted. Of course closing the gate might only trap the intruder inside rather than out so we would have to pick our moment carefully. Somehow we suspect this is going to be a long battle.
Not daunted by nature and with the natural world now in the forefront of our minds, we set the moth trap in the orchard to see what nocturnal visitors were in the garden. Poor weather prevented us from having a big haul but it was exciting to see a Burnished Brass moth with it’s beautiful irridescent green wings, several cream coloured Common Wainscott, and, the prize of the night, a Buff Tip. This remarkable moth (pictured) has evolved to resemble a broken birch twig camouflaging itself perfectly and protecting it from keen eyed predators. Presenting no danger to the plants in the garden all the moths were returned to the undergrowth to carry on with their nightime adventures.
Clothes in action today: Women's 3-Season Gardening Trousers