Veg and recipe - spicy white cabbage and chorizo hot pot

Veg and recipe - spicy white cabbage and chorizo hot pot

This comforting one pot is amazingly tasty, considering how quick, easy and inexpensive it is – perfect for a warming mid-week meal when you’re too tired to make anything more complex.

Chop up a spicy Spanish chorizo sausage and fry until the oil has been released and the pieces have started to crisp up, which should take around 5 minutes.  Add a sliced onion, several garlic gloves and a 100g of chopped potatoes, then fry them in the oil from the chorizo, stirring occasionally for about 5 mins.  You could add some extra chilli flakes if you like heat.

Tip in two 400g canned tomatoes, then bring to the boil. Cover and simmer until the potatoes are cooked, around 20 minutes.

Add one sliced white or Savoy cabbage then cover and cook for around 5 minutes or more until it is just tender.  Serve in bowls with crunchy bread and a glass of red wine (optional!).

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