Savon noir - black soap for natural garden health

As gardeners we’re always seeking out products that look after our plants as well as the environment and Le Savonnier Marseillais black liquid soap is a natural way of protecting plants, fruit and vegetables from pests and diseases.
This famous black soap is made from olive oil to Marius Fabre's own exclusive formula. The French business has been making cauldron-cooked olive oil black soap in the Salon de Provence factory using traditional methods for over 110 years. It contains 100% natural vegetable oil, is biodegradable and without colouring, fragrance or preservatives so it won’t pollute the rivers.
You can buy pre-prepared black soap spray that is ready to use or prepare your own by diluting 1/5 tablespoons of soap per 1 litre of warm water, depending on what you’re treating, leaving it to cool and putting it into a sprayer. A natural insecticide, it’s great for preventing aphid infestations on plants such as roses, tomatoes and beans: spray the plant for several days in a row in the spring and autumn - not forgetting the backs of leaves which is where aphids usually gather. You can also use it on fruit trees, such as apple trees to protect against woolly apple aphids as well as to clean the sooty mould on the leaves left by aphids.
And when it comes to spring cleaning, use this eco-friendly, multi-purpose produce to clean your tools, greenhouse and polytunnel, so you’ll be all set for the next growing season.