Podcast - Growing Wild

Podcast - Growing Wild

Charlotte Petts presents a thought-provoking show about nature in both the countryside and urban spaces.  She talks to a wide range of gardeners, designers and environmentalists covering everything from healthy soil and the importance of hedges, to foraging, allotments and community gardens.  She also interviews outdoorsy types including a shepherdess and heads off with a wild camper and Sam Lee who organises night-time woodland walks listening to nightingales.

Charlotte’s softly spoken voice and manner makes for soothing listening.  She also plays a huge range of great music from Ella Fitzgerald to Van Morrison between interviews.


Modern heroes of horticulture - Tamsin Westhorpe

Take a little bit of Gerald Durrell, a pinch of Felicity Kendall from the Good Life, and a slice of Mini the Minx, and you’ll have a good idea of...
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Plant folklore - snowdrops

It’s surprising for a plant that has become so entrenched in folklore that snowdrops are not actually indigenous to Britain.  While the precise date of their introduction remains a subject...
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Wildlife in the garden - winter migrants

We always celebrate the arrival of our spring and summer migrants such as swallows, swifts, cuckoos and nightingales.  Less celebrated and often creeping in under the radar are our winter...
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