Podast - The Veg Grower

In this weekly podcast Richard Suggett shares his experience of growing food on his allotment and home vegetable plot, with much more besides.
In recent allotment updates, Richard’s been planting out Swiss chard, broad beans to get an early crop and less blackfly, and onion sets. We also hear what he’s harvesting such as pumpkins - though having got the seeds from a seed swap, the ones he’s grown didn’t turn out to be his favourite ‘Crown Prince’. He is also mulching his rhubarb with woodchip and discusses all the benefits of doing this and using home shredders.
Now that we’re moving into the colder months, Richard’s growing more indoors. As well as bringing his chillis, aubergines and peach tree into the greenhouse, he’s taken over the kitchen with edibles such as herbs including parsley, chives, coriander, dill and basil. He’s a fan of growing micro greens such as cress, cabbage and radish seedlings sprinkled onto moist kitchen roll placed in small plastic containers - a nice way of eating fresh greens throughout the winter months. He also has a good tip of using grow lights from Ikea screwed under shelves.
Each week we get a run through on how to maintain a particular tool by removing rust with sandpaper, sharpening blades and wiping the handles with linseed oil. And the show finishes with an excellent weekly recipe from Chef Scott who manages to deliver a tempting dish in record time. His curry base gravy and subsequent vegetable curry recipes are ones to look out for. I also liked the sound of his chorizo, leak and smoked haddock risotto, and baked beans special.
This is a fast-paced podcast, packed with practical information and inspiration and ideal for anyone interested in growing their own food.